We finally left the security blanket of the east coast and headed to Cleveland, OH. I hadn't told anyone before we left but I was looking forward to a room with many lamps but only one working light bulb and one of those "trick" heaters that work like those gag bottles of peanut brittle only instead of seeing leaping snakes when I turn on the heat, the heater instead releases carbon monoxide. I was happy to have all of the accommodations waiting for me upon arrival.
We played a punk bar last night and it was great. The crowd listened and laughed. Torio (our intern) opened the show and settled everyone down and got a lot of laughs from and gave a few jabs to the audience. My favorite part of the night, however, was shortly before I was about to start the show, the owner pulled me aside and said, "Well, maybe we should wait. Those guys are putting money into the juke box."
There are many times in life when one is humbled -- the beginnings of new love, the birth of a child -- but none moreso than realizing that one's time is worth less than $1.50.
The show was succuessful and the owner was cool so now on our self-appointed day of rest, I'm taking time to reflect on the past few weeks. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. These are worth about 15 each. Enjoy.
Toms River, NJ (pictured, weird sign; not pictured, double murders/cancer clusters) If anyone knows what this sign means, I will let you stay in my hotel room at the Cleveland Hojos for free.
I tried to pretend I was texting when in reality I was taking a picture of what will soon be emblazoned on the empty billboard I saw as we drove into Cleveland, OH. Even though I can't see his lovely date, I imagine she is a carbon copy of this guy in a wig.
This is a photo of my hotel room in Cleveland, OH. You can see the Torio and Pete laughing at the conditions (e.g. no phone, heat, sense of hope, etc). What you can't see are the random fire alarms that go off for hours without stirring fire fighters, managers, or even other hotel guests. For a long time I thought my depression had manifested itself as a piercing alarm. Then, I realized: we're just at the Hojos.
Website for the show I did last night. How do I know I've still got it? Top billing over Vegan Slop.
Check back, soon.
Your Joseph