People will often tell you that a good marriage comprises selflessness, compromise, and patience, but those people are probably embroiled in what marriage counselor Pamela Haag calls a "mediocre marriage." Her solution: Counseling? Date night? Nah, just rename the behavior of single people so that it sounds like a marital compromise. It's all in the article on entitled, Options for your Mediocre Marriage (full link below).
For example, she suggests struggling couples employ the following "stick-together" techniques:
1. Marital Sabbatical
Joe's Paraphrase: Abandon the marriage for 3 months (or until the rapture hits) while still retaining your eligibility for Wife Swap.
2. Divorce Cohabitation
Joe's Paraphrase: Enjoy the perks of divorce (e.g., crippling shame, depression) while maintaining a residence with the person whom you've fallen out of love. Check out the new twist on "date night" -- you each go out on dates with other people.
3. Practice "new monogamy"
Joe's Take: Basically, sleep with whomever you wish -- it's an open marriage. "Date night" can get even more complicated.
I think these are great ideas for turning your mediocre marriage into a spectacular divorce/suicide pact; however, I admire Dr. Haag's positive spin on such horrible ideas. I would love to see her rebranding of other horrible things. Luckily, she sent me a list.
Her suggestions are in parentheses:
1. Holocaust/ethnic cleansing (Laundry day)
2. Apartheid (Org chart)
3. Slavery (Unpaid internship)
4. Suicide (A "me" day)
5. Rape (Successful distributive negotiation)
That's pretty offensive, Pamela.
Full link here: